Project ECO 2024 Environment Protection : Primary School
Project E.C.O 2024 - Environment Protection – Primary School
Unity Primary School – Gold
The project team embarked on a six-month initiative to promote sustainability and waste reduction through recycling and upcycling. They organised booths at the school’s annual Science and Green Carnival, inviting parent volunteers to join the event. The carnival coincided with the launch of NEA’s Recycle Right Campaign 2024, hosted by the school and graced by SPS (MSE), Mr Baey Yam Keng.
The team collaborated with partnering kindergartens to conduct door-to-door visits to collect recyclables and educate residents on proper recycling practices. They also engaged three neighbouring PCF kindergartens, teaching preschoolers about upcycling through crafts games such as the upcycled Claw-It-Up game.
SPS Mr Baey Yam Keng engaged the students in a friendly competition with a car race made from recyclables during the Science & Green Carnival. |
Weekly mass recycling drive to encourage students to bring their recyclables in exchange for house points. Senior students on duty checked the items and educate their junior peers on proper recycling practices. |
Members of Greenovation Club, along with partnering kindergarten children, conducted door-to-door visits to collect recyclables and educate residents on recycling right and dengue prevention. |
Punggol Green Primary School – Silver
The students initiated a six-month project to address improper recycling practices based on their observations of misuse of recycling bins in the neighbourhood. The project aimed to raise awareness on correct recycling methods and foster sustainable habits within the school community and homes.
In conjunction with Earth Day, the team organised a week-long Green Week
campaign, to educate students on proper recycling habits. Recess
activities were conducted to teach students about correct recycling techniques, and
repurposing materials.
To reinforce recycling concepts, the team developed an interactive book titled "Pearl's Recycling Adventures”, which guided readers through Punggol's eco-friendly landmarks and explores different recycling methods. The book was presented to MK@Punggol Green Primary School and audiences at NLB@One Punggol, with accompanying activities.
Assembly programme “Ally in Wanderland” by PlayInc, in collaboration with NParks, explores sustainability through storytelling. Ally, a screen-obsessed girl, tumbles into a "rabbit hole" during a hike and meets talking animal friends who teach her the value of greenery and our City in Nature. |
Engaging and inspiring young minds at MOE Kindergarten@PGPS to commit to actions and create a positive impact on the environment! |
Eager to showcase Pearl’s Recycling Adventure, presenting a heartwarming story written and illustrated by our talented students at NLB@One Punggol. |
Mee Toh School – Bronze
The project team initiated a six-month project to create awareness on the importance of recycling with the use of powerpoint slides and quizzes on ways to recycle plastic bottles, tetra paks and aluminium cans.
The students conducted an assembly talk during the school’s Green Day Campaign, recycling collection drives, the clean plate campaign and an Adopt-a-Book campaign.
In addition, the team took part in the school’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebration to remind visitors to reduce waste and set up collection points around the main activity areas.
Environment Champions conducted an engaging assembly talk on waste reduction. |
Environment Champions are stationed at the canteen area to remind students to wash the drink bottles / tetra paks before putting them into the recycling bags |
Environment Champions set up interactive game booths to engage visitors at the Mid-Autumn Festival to raise awareness about waste reduction and recycling. |